Good Morning Folks,
Hope you are having a great day…I thought I’d take a moment to catch up on what we have been doing thus far this summer, and the direction we are heading in for Fall and Winter 2016, before our Spring 2017 season actually begins. Any and all feedback is very greatly appreciated, and thank you for your support and participation thus far.
I am so sorry for this very long-winded communication update! Thanks for your patience with me! J
Special Thanks to the Lady Rebels… Coach Scott, Ryan, Caden, Eliza, Lizzie, and Mickayla for their invaluable help and coaching with our girls during the summer sessions…you all rock!!!
Franklin Arrows ( informal) Policies;
Practice Balls…All girls are responsible for a ball hunt at the conclusion of each practice, prior to departing….if balls are missing all team members should consider replacing balls prior to next practice. If balls are not found we will run EXTRA at the conclusion of each practice until balls are found. This is part of being a responsible team member, every girl needs to participate…. J All replacement balls should be NOCSAE certified….Yellow is preferred color.
By the way, we currently have two (2) missing balls from Monday and Wednesday evening practices…hope they reappear Monday. Thank you! J
Lost and Found…If you leave something behind, (cell phone, stick, ball, mouth piece ,jersey, kilt, pinney, shirt, sweater, jacket, book bag, etc.) Coach Jake will always try to pick it up and carry it home and bring it to the next game and/or practice. However, that is not an activity he enjoys. The price for that lack of responsibility on your part will be one (1) NOCSAE approved ball per item. (yellow ball preferred) This is costly so please be responsible and pick up after yourself… ( NOTE: parents, please give your daughter/family member the responsibility of spending their own money for the balls purchased and returned to the team…thank you for your cooperation and support on these two policies….working together we should not waste team financial resources or time commitment…please shag your balls at practice when they go astray!)
I hope your daughter/family member has been enjoying our lacrosse practice sessions so far this summer. This coming Monday, August 29th, from 5:30-6:45pm will be our last summer session practice…it is a make-up session from the evening that a rain storm came through and we had to cancel that session early, and it will be the last of the first ten (10) summer sessions…I’m hoping we will have our best attended practice of the summer Monday evening…we have not had thirty (30) girls at any session yet, so I hope we can make it to that landmark attendance figure for this Monday evening.
A few facts about our summer sessions that may be of interest:
- For the ten (10) sessions we have had a total of forty-three (43) different people have participated
- We averaged 20.8 players per summer session
- The fewest girls we had on any evening was twelve (12) players
- The most players we had was twenty-nine (29) players
- Seventeen (17) girls from last years Franklin Arrows team participated
- Four (4) guest players from another Middle School participated
- Four (4) young men participated
- Eighteen (18) New girls participated (yeah!)
We still have some families that need to catch up on the fees for our summer sessions. The costs were $100 for ten (10) summer sessions. There was no costs/fees for use of a stick or goggles, that was to save your initial outlay of money for lacrosse gear if you were just seeing if your daughter/family member might like to try the sport of lacrosse. A few families knew they could not attend more than a few sessions and asked to pay $10.00 a session per player. If you still might owe the team your fees, please try to pay this coming Monday evening. If you can’t make it Monday , please forward a check to Coach Jake at; Steve Jacobs 3123 Vera Valley Road Franklin Tennessee 37064
NOTE: If the fees that are due are more than your family can afford at this time, please feel free to contact Coach Jake so other arrangements can be discussed…We know Lacrosse is an expensive sport. Also, if you know of a strong athlete who is not coming out for lacrosse because of the expenses involved, please have them contact Coach Jake as well 615 668-4135 and we can discuss a possible stipend or scholarship. No one should be excluded from lacrosse because of the expense of the game…we can help!