by Jeff Johnson | Aug 30, 2016 | Weekly Updates
*** Fall 2016 Combination Workouts *** Who: We would love to have full participation from all Franklin Arrows if possible….We still have not seen participation from at least 15 returning players from last years team during this summers’ sessions…I know some of you are...
by Jeff Johnson | Aug 30, 2016 | Weekly Updates
Good Morning Folks, Hope you are having a great day…I thought I’d take a moment to catch up on what we have been doing thus far this summer, and the direction we are heading in for Fall and Winter 2016, before our Spring 2017 season actually begins. Any and all...
by Jeff Johnson | Mar 15, 2016 | Weekly Updates
The team faired very well this weekend, winning all three games of the” play day” at Webb School in Bell Buckle…We came from behind to win a very close game with Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy, and were also successful against both Signal Mountain, and the Webb...